Change in management

We would like to welcome aboard Laureene Reeves Ndagire, joining the team at NYENGA as the new General Manager. As leader and with support from the board in Norway, she will be...

Corona update

The year that started so well seems to be an “annus horribilis”. The Corona virus has come to Uganda and the authorities have introduced lock down of the community. Everyone at Nyenga...

New biogas plant

In February-March 2020, Master with Mening student Helene and her mentor Johannes completed their field assignment in Uganda. In Uganda, wood and charcoal are the most widely used methods of cooking, which...

Field work at Nyenga

Andrea Svarstad has just finished field work at Nyenga. Below she shares some reflections that she wrote on march 22, the world’s water day. Quite sobering, knowing that Nyenga has relatively easy...

Grand opening of Main Hall

Great grand opening of the new Main Hall, kitchen, biogas plant and cowshed at Nyenga. 500 staff and guests had wonderful entertainment and delicious Ugandan lunch. Thanks to everyone involved.

Become supporting member now!

As a support member for Nyenga Children’s Home you will contribute to give the most vulnerable children in Uganda education, food, health services and a safer childhood. To know that someone cares...

Main hall is ready

The new Main Hall is ready. After many months of planning and lots of hard work, the Main Hall at Nyenga is ready. The only thing outstanding is planting some grass and...