School exams

Good news: Now the exam results for 7th grade – 22 joined, and all our students have passed! Hurray! They did well in terms of results too. When I say “our” I...

Hosting SINA

We were honoured to host youth from the SINA – Social Innovation Academy currently running various enterprises, : Kibajjo Enterprises (produce ginger products based on value addition, fair trade and job creation)...

New chairman of the board

Fred Balikagira was yesterday elected as the new chairman of the board at Nyenga. Williams Oguttu was thanked as chairman and continues as a member of the board. Lots of good input...

Summary of last year

A summary of 2020: Considerations at the turn of the year. In April last year, we wrote that 2020 looked to be an annus horibilis. Nothing would go as planned, everything was...