Both joys and sorrows are encountered at Nyenga. The year of 2016 started with several births and a few, tragic deaths. The employees at Nyenga's health center are ready for the challenges...
Improving the learning methods at New Horizon Primary School is a continuous area of focus. Parallel to this we are focusing on general school development.
There has been a great development of New Horizon Primary School since it opened three years ago - both concerning the buildings and the teaching done inside them.
The health center’s camps in neighboring villages are resulting in an increase in new patients. The employees observe that the coverage area is widening.
Ruth came to Norway in the beginning of June. It was good having her with us for a little over a week. Together with the board she had a productive working weekend....
In addition to the regular classrooms, New Horizon Primary School, has a learning center. Both pupils and teachers use this room. Here they find tables and chairs, a library and a good...