Newsletter September 2014

Despite the fact that September has given us sun and summer heat we can see the early signs of autumn. We live in a country with seasons in a cycle we see...

Robert and Justine in Norway

In the middle of August Nyenga’s social worker and nurse headed for Norway. For them this would most likely be the journey of a lifetime. Neither of them had previously travelled by...

Sommertreff for Nyenga-venner

Justine, helsesølster, og Robert, sosialarbeider, fra Nyenga kommer på besøk, og vi inviterer alle som ønsker å møte dem og høre siste nytt fra Nyenga. Velkommen til sommertreff lørdag 16. august kl....

eLearning Africa

This week Fredrik and Grace are attending the conference eLearning Africa. Fredrik is a board member of the Nyenga Foundation, while Grace is principal at New Horizon Primary School. Together they are...

Full fokus på jordbruk

There is continuously activity within the area of farming at Nyenga Children’s Home. Tomatoes, cabbage and onions were sowed a while ago. The resulting seedlings have now been planted out in the...

Happy Easter!

This year’s Easter letter is composed from Farsund. The Norwegian Easter holiday is about to start and spring has reached Norway’s southern coast. The anemones, violets and primroses are blossoming and the...

Go Fridalen!

Fridalen elementary school in Bergen is the coming week having a campaign week. The money they collect during the week will go to Nyenga. A couple of eager boys from 5th grade...