School exams

Good news: Now the exam results for 7th grade – 22 joined, and all our students have passed! Hurray! They did well in terms of results too.


When I say “our” I mean those who have spent all or most of their schooling at New Horizon primary school. In the 7th grade, some new students came from other schools. 5 of these did not pass. Soon it will be the turn of the students in the picture to take their exams. This year’s results say something about the fact that good and systematic work is required in the school over time to get everyone through to the exam.

On Monday 6 February, school starts up again after the holidays. We wish everyone a happy new school year! The school has gradually gained a good reputation in the area. Now all the classes are fully booked at the start, – for the first time! This means that the staff can focus on preparing teaching, not recruiting students. It took us 10 years to get to where we are today. Lots to celebrate at the anniversary party later this year!