With support from the Kavlifondet, Ugandan youth will receive work training and vocational training so that they can stand on their own feet and get out of poverty. Nyenga Foundation is working to reduce the causes of poverty in Nyenga, a poor agricultural area in Uganda. In cooperation with the local population, a center has been established with a health center, orphanage, elementary school, microfinance scheme and different education programs. 

Girls are prioritized

The foundation works on a holistic view of development and focuses on competence development.

“We want to offer opportunities so that the individual can create a better future for himself, his family and the local community,” says Anne Grete Kjørrefjord, Deputy Head, who has been central to the preparation of the project.

Now the Kavlifond Foundation supports Nyenga’s program to provide talented young people with vocational education and training that enable them to gain employment, become good social actors and role models for other poor young people. Girls will be prioritized in the program.

Poverty and unemployment

“In Nyenga and the surrounding areas there is great poverty and unemployment. The jobs are few for those who do not have education, and many of the young people therefore feel hopeless, says Anne Grete Kjørrefjord. Nyenga Foundation will seize this and give the youth a vocational education and other important skills.This will make them stronger in the competition for workplaces, or they will be better suited to starting their own businesses.

According to Anne Grete Kjørrefjord, the school system in Uganda has a strong focus on theoretical competence.

“The school lesson gives them little knowledge of other important aspects of life, and they gain little training in developing other skills needed to master a work relationship. In this program we will give the youth both vocational education and work training as well as practical courses that make them better able to compete on the job market, “says Kjørrefjord.

Get work practices

Prior to the study period and during the holidays, the young people will work and have practical training at different departments at the Nyenga Foundation.

During the year, students will also receive training in various topics that are important to them as employees, family members and community members. This includes family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, nutrition and personal finances. There will also be courses on duties and collaboration in working conditions, as well as basic training in the use of data tools.

With support from the Kavlifondet, Ugandan youth will receive work training and vocational training so that they can stand on their own feet and get out of poverty. Nyenga Foundation is working to reduce the causes of poverty in Nyenga, a poor agricultural area in Uganda. In cooperation with the local population, a center has been established with a health center, orphanage, elementary school, microfinance scheme and different education programs.

The fish pond at the center is one of the venues for versatile education.

Photo: Nyenga Foundation

Become change agents

“The youth should have a role as” change agents “in their villages, says Anne Grete Kjørrefjord.

During the period of work practice, students will visit schools and motivate other young people to take education. They will also identify a project they can carry out in their village to create positive change. Through this, it is a goal to make working hours a learning experience so that collective participation is also perceived as individually enriching. After graduation, those who get a job must commit themselves to being a mentor for other youth.

“This is important for establishing a solidarity mind-set,” says Anne Grete Kjørrefjord.

Young people in the area without education or work who do not participate in the full program will also be invited to participate in the course and get advice and guidance on possible ways further.