eLearning Africa

This week Fredrik and Grace are attending the conference eLearning Africa. Fredrik is a board member of the Nyenga Foundation, while Grace is principal at New Horizon Primary School. Together they are to create an image of how New Horizon’s teaching in the future can use interactive tools and the resources the Internet offers.

eLearning Africa is this year held in Kampala, Uganda’s capital. The conference’s delegates mainly come from other African countries. The conference is about technology based learning and how this is implemented in a best possible way in these countries. This also creates a platform to establish contacts with companies, organizations and institutions that have experience within learning and teaching using Internet.

Even though New Horizon as of today neither has computers nor internet Grace and Fredrik are at eLearning Africa to make contacts, get a insight in how ICT is facilitated in countries such as Uganda and to create an image of how New Horizon in the future can have a functioning, interactive teaching. This is one of Nyenga’s goals for New Horizon.

Interactive teaching, including use of Internet, will most likely have a big impact for the local community’s development. A big part of today’s communication, provision of information and education takes place through the Internet. If children and adults in the villages in Uganda get access to these resources, this will create an opportunity for them to take a part in today’s development.

Grace at eLearning Africa 2014

You can read more about eLearning Africa here.

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