Evaluating our work

We have asked the local population what their challenges, needs and wishes are for the years to come. Hopefully this will help us when planning our future course.

A success story

This is Nasali Sylvia, a strong Ugandan woman who for some time has attended Nyenga Foundation`s microfinance program.

The long vacation is over

February is here. In Uganda, a new academic year started in the last week of January as their two-month long Christmas holiday, similar to the Norwegian summer vacation, has come to an...

Newsletter September 2014

Despite the fact that September has given us sun and summer heat we can see the early signs of autumn. We live in a country with seasons in a cycle we see...

Full fokus på jordbruk

There is continuously activity within the area of farming at Nyenga Children’s Home. Tomatoes, cabbage and onions were sowed a while ago. The resulting seedlings have now been planted out in the...

Nyenga in November

November has also reached Nyenga. In Norway the fall may be turning into winter, but here it is now rainy season. During the hottest days the weather can suddenly change and a...