First day of school

Big day at Nyenga! 05.02.24. First day of school for this group of kids. We wish them an educational and fun year, and hope that it won’t be too many days before...

Brilliant exam results!

Congratulation to D with 1st grade on his S4 exams. A brilliant exam result after 4 years at secondary school/secondary school. Now it will be 2 more years to get a study...

STEM program

At the school, work is now a little more project-based as part of our participation in a STEM program led by Marymount University, USA. We have had visits to America. Our mentor...

Busaino Fruits

We had a good exchange visit to Busaino Fruits in Wanyange to learn about herbal remedies for malaria and identify what crops can be used for organic pesticides. The visit is part...

SINA application

  Are you ready to change your life and the life of youth in Uganda? Nyenga Foundation together with SINA – Social Innovation Academy is looking for 4 young Ugandans to replicate...

Isma & Nicolas

Dreams do come true. Isma Baale, the first to receive financial support for his education, has now got his dream job in the Ugandan oil industry. They started drilling for oil last...

School exams

Good news: Now the exam results for 7th grade – 22 joined, and all our students have passed! Hurray! They did well in terms of results too. When I say “our” I...