Assembly at Nyenga

On Friday, the teachers were responsible for the morning assembly to show the pupils how to do it in the future. I promise you, they created a great vibe!!   See the...

New chairman of the board

Fred Balikagira was yesterday elected as the new chairman of the board at Nyenga. Williams Oguttu was thanked as chairman and continues as a member of the board. Lots of good input...

Summary of last year

A summary of 2020: Considerations at the turn of the year. In April last year, we wrote that 2020 looked to be an annus horibilis. Nothing would go as planned, everything was...

Change in management

We would like to welcome aboard Laureene Reeves Ndagire, joining the team at NYENGA as the new General Manager. As leader and with support from the board in Norway, she will be...

Corona update

The year that started so well seems to be an “annus horribilis”. The Corona virus has come to Uganda and the authorities have introduced lock down of the community. Everyone at Nyenga...

Great work, problem solved!

I discovered last week that New Horizon Primary School shuts down for general cleaning every Wednesday and Friday evening. This turned out to be a great opportunity as the pace the youth...


The authorities demanded in 2017 that all orphanages apply for renewed approval for operation, this time at departmental level. They fear that too many children without a real need for care outside...