
Lots of activity in the morning. The biogas tank has been repaired and is being refilled. The tank was half full of its own dung. Now we buy two loads of dung...

New biogas plant

In February-March 2020, Master with Mening student Helene and her mentor Johannes completed their field assignment in Uganda. In Uganda, wood and charcoal are the most widely used methods of cooking, which...

Grand opening of Main Hall

Great grand opening of the new Main Hall, kitchen, biogas plant and cowshed at Nyenga. 500 staff and guests had wonderful entertainment and delicious Ugandan lunch. Thanks to everyone involved.

Main hall is ready

The new Main Hall is ready. After many months of planning and lots of hard work, the Main Hall at Nyenga is ready. The only thing outstanding is planting some grass and...

A new building takes form

The new main hall is about to take shape in the extension of the school. As part of the new hall construction, a new main kitchen will be built. The existing kitchen...

Evaluating our work

We have asked the local population what their challenges, needs and wishes are for the years to come. Hopefully this will help us when planning our future course.

Happy Easter!

This year’s Easter letter is composed from Farsund. The Norwegian Easter holiday is about to start and spring has reached Norway’s southern coast. The anemones, violets and primroses are blossoming and the...