Thank you Haukeland Hospital

    A big thank you to Haukeland hospital in Bergen, Norway for the used microscope we have inherited from them. It will be very useful in our clinic: Kabizzi Community Health...

Summary of last year

A summary of 2020: Considerations at the turn of the year. In April last year, we wrote that 2020 looked to be an annus horibilis. Nothing would go as planned, everything was...

Corona update

The year that started so well seems to be an “annus horribilis”. The Corona virus has come to Uganda and the authorities have introduced lock down of the community. Everyone at Nyenga...

Field work at Nyenga

Andrea Svarstad has just finished field work at Nyenga. Below she shares some reflections that she wrote on march 22, the world’s water day. Quite sobering, knowing that Nyenga has relatively easy...

It helps!

8 years ago a little boy, about 5 years old, moved into the home. He had lived alone with his disabled father, in practice been a maid for him. It was a...

Health camp

Nyenga’s health center arranged a health camp in March. Close to 400 patients attended the two-day camp.