The long vacation is over

February is here. In Uganda, a new academic year started in the last week of January as their two-month long Christmas holiday, similar to the Norwegian summer vacation, has come to an...

Newsletter September 2014

Despite the fact that September has given us sun and summer heat we can see the early signs of autumn. We live in a country with seasons in a cycle we see...

Happy Easter!

This year’s Easter letter is composed from Farsund. The Norwegian Easter holiday is about to start and spring has reached Norway’s southern coast. The anemones, violets and primroses are blossoming and the...

Julehilsen 2013

Kjære støttespillere og venner av Nyenga I skrivende stund tar verden avskjed med en av Afrikas store sønner – Nelson Mandela. Han har vært et ideal og en inspirator for mange. Håpet...

Nyenga in November

November has also reached Nyenga. In Norway the fall may be turning into winter, but here it is now rainy season. During the hottest days the weather can suddenly change and a...

(Norwegian) Reisebrev fra Uganda

Sorry, this entry is only available in Norwegian. Av Signe M K Birks, Alva M Sjursen og Margrethe Heimdal. Mot slutten av 2012 inviterte Nyenga-stiftelsen to elever og en lærer fra hver...