New biogas plant

In February-March 2020, Master with Mening student Helene and her mentor Johannes completed their field assignment in Uganda. In Uganda, wood and charcoal are the most widely used methods of cooking, which...

Become supporting member now!

As a support member for Nyenga Children’s Home you will contribute to give the most vulnerable children in Uganda education, food, health services and a safer childhood. To know that someone cares...


Good news! You can now support Nyenga directly via VIPPS. It’s as simple as 1-2-3 …. Even the smallest gift makes a big difference for everyone at Nyenga. Some practical examples: 100...

Article in “Norsk Fiskeoppdrett”

(Norwegian) Nyenga, Uganda: Det var i 2008 at det virkelig tok av. Da kjøpte initiativtakerne bak Stiftelsen Nyenga et område på 250 mål med planer om å bygge skole, barnehjem og helsestasjon.