Hosting SINA

We were honoured to host youth from the SINA – Social Innovation Academy currently running various enterprises, : Kibajjo Enterprises (produce ginger products based on value addition, fair trade and job creation)...

Become supporting member now!

As a support member for Nyenga Children’s Home you will contribute to give the most vulnerable children in Uganda education, food, health services and a safer childhood. To know that someone cares...

Ruth’s visit to Norway

  Ruth came to Norway in the beginning of June. It was good having her with us for a little over a week. Together with the board she had a productive working weekend....

Newsletter September 2014

Despite the fact that September has given us sun and summer heat we can see the early signs of autumn. We live in a country with seasons in a cycle we see...

Robert and Justine in Norway

In the middle of August Nyenga’s social worker and nurse headed for Norway. For them this would most likely be the journey of a lifetime. Neither of them had previously travelled by...